Where Do My Blog Visitors Come From?

Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/laptop-computer-on-glass-top-table-hpjSkU2UYSU?utm_content=creditShareLink&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash

Something I haven’t ever done on WordPress is analyse my referrals for this blog.

Referrals show where your blog traffic comes from.

As I don’t currently earn money from this blog, I don’t spend a lot of time trying to dig deep into the stats. But today, I was curious to see how visitors are being led to my blog posts.

While this blog isn’t a business (I started it to promote my books & connect with other writers), it’s been rewarding to see it grow over the years.

Some people have even bought my books from here (Thank you!).

Without further ado, here’s where my blog traffic has come from over the last 4 years:


This was when I began content writing on this blog, posting several times per week. This led to a lot of growth that year.

As you can see, I posted a lot on Twitter which generated some decent traffic.

The WordPress reader was my best friend – so many awesome bloggers found me through there.

Also, Google search led over 200 people to this blog.


There was a lot of momentum from the previous year. I got way more views and some were from Google search.

I didn’t post as much on Twitter as the # of referrals from it were a lot less.


My views snowballed even more with the past year’s momentum.

My goal was to get more eyes on my books and build a portfolio for content writing. Balancing the two types of writing has been a fun challenge – it goes to show how consistent posting does build a readership over time.

It’s amazing to see how many referrals I got from Google search, too! I have learned this is what many content writers want.


This year is very interesting as it’s still young and has several months ahead. I have not been posting often since December, but my Google referrals are the highest yet!

I think what happened is that my previous posts have been gaining momentum.

I’ve noticed when looking at my daily stats sometimes, articles I wrote several months to years ago are still getting views. Along the way, I’ve figured out SEO.

I hope you enjoyed this little analysis as I’ve never taken a look at where my blogs views come from. This was a surprise to see that there’s been a lot of searches that bring up my posts!

Needless to say, older blog posts can still gain traction, so don’t delete them. Someone who needs to read it could search it up and be happy they found it.

Thank you for reading today!


  1. I also don’t earn money from blogging it’s kinda fascination to me . I am also a writer 😄 so I am doing the same like you. Well shared

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