Book Review: Voices


What an epic conclusion to this dark psychological thriller series featuring Dante, a bullied poet and loner who’s transformed into a full-blown anarchist with genuine power over his followers.

What’s most terrifying about Dante is he has nothing to lose – all he wants is Zara. His psychosis gives him a one track mind, causing him to focus on these two end goals: destroy Britain and have his perfect day with Zara.

His violence knows no ends and he hurts anyone unfortunate enough to be in his path. I enjoyed the interactions between him and his cell mate, Keenan, and felt very bad about his demise.

Dante doesn’t stop there, but I don’t want to give too much away in this review! His obsession with Zara is terrifying. I love how Tongue paints her as a true hero rather than a victim.

She may be Dante’s target, but that doesn’t stop her from speaking her mind – the truth. The solicitor’s interactions with Dante made me laugh. It was some great comic relief – and he’s one of the few side characters who escapes Dante’s wrath.

Like any selfish leader, Dante sends his men out to do his dirty work. The difference between him and most leaders is that he doesn’t care about power or fame – he doesn’t really care at all, which makes him more terrifying than a well-organized, calculated leader.

The ending was what I hoped for. It made me shed a tear, in fact! I enjoyed the peaceful conclusion to a chaotic and violent build up.I’m so glad I’ve had the opportunity to read this dark thriller with a satisfying end.

As always, Dean Tongue has made a masterpiece with complex characters you’ll never forget.

My Rating: 5/5 stars

Where To Buy: Check out where to buy it on Goodreads!


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