10 Affordable At-Home Spa Ideas

You don’t need to spend a lot of money to go to a fancy day spa. As nice as those spas are, they may not fit into the budget – or even if you can go to those sometimes, you may still want to have a chill self-care night at home.

Here are some affordable ideas to have a relaxing spa moment in your own home:

* Face masks (You can put one on while having a bath or shower) – There are plenty of affordable and good quality face masks at Walmart, Shoppers Drug Mart, etc. with natural ingredients.

* Play some soothing music – Nothing sets the mood like songs that help you unwind

* Light a candle – You find cheap candles at Dollar stores, Walmart, etc.

* Put on a comfy lounge outfit that makes you feel special

* Run a bubble bath

* Hair masks (You can buy some affordable conditioning masks at Walmart, Shoppers, etc.)

* Give yourself a manicure (You can find at-home manicure kits at department stores and some dollar stores might have them, too)

* Paint your nails a new colour

* Have your spa day/night at a time when you won’t be disturbed (Don’t set any big plans for that day and set your phone to ‘do not disturb’)

* Buy a new bath/shower bomb (Lush has some lovely ones, but you can find more affordable ones at department stores or drug stores)

* Organize your home/space the day before your spa day – It’s nice having a clean and organized home prior to having a relaxing night in by yourself

* Ask for free samples when shopping at a luxury skin care store – save them for your at-home spa day to try out

* Do some light stretching after your bath/shower to help relieve and sore muscles – playing some relaxing music while doing this will help

* Buy a massage ball which can help mimic the effects of a relaxation massage (Amazon has some affordable ones!)

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