21 Solo Date Ideas

Taking yourself on a solo date has a lot of different benefits to it. ❤️ Anyone can do this, but especially for people who want to take a breather from the dating world, here’s some ideas for dating yourself.

Treat yourself to a spa day (At home or at a spa) – Hair masks, face masks, massages, facials, manis or pedis, anything that makes you feel good

Romanticize a trip to an art gallery or museum (Dress up, create a lovely playlist beforehand, visit a café on the way, etc.)

Visit your favourite restaurant and order a delicious meal

Visit a new café and order a decadent drink

Make yourself a scrumptious meal

Have a chill beach day

Get a massage

Buy yourself an amazing new outfit – complete with new shoes

Take a day trip somewhere

Buy yourself flowers

Watch a movie by yourself

Try a new hobby

Go on a nature walk

Explore a new part of the city (And listen to some great music while doing it)

Read a new book

Dress up and have a glass of wine at a cool bar

Attend a new workshop or an event

Buy a new beauty product you’ve always wanted to try

Binge on a show you love to watch

Get dolled up and take some new Instagram photos (I find this so relaxing!)

Watch a sunset


  1. These are great suggestions. Sometimes it’s hard to find someone who wants to do what you want, like go to the museum Why should that hold you back?

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