There’s Lots Of Book Reviews On My Blog!

I thought that I would write a post about a category on my blog – book reviews!

I’ve posted nearly 200 book reviews on my blog now. There are even more reviews on my Goodreads account, but I post the ones I really like here.

If you are ever looking for a new read, you can always check out the “Book Reviews” tab on the right hand side of my blog. You might find something you really enjoy.

Most of these book reviews are for indie books. I hope you enjoy them should you choose to read one of them!

Check it out here!

Thanks for stopping by today.


    • I love that you love these reviews. Yes it’s nice to spread the word especially for indie books since the authors need it.
      I appreciate you checking out my post. 🙂

  1. What an impressive list of book reviews and what an impressive post. It must have taken you a long time to compose a post with 200 images. I’ve read a few of those books and I saw many interesting books I would like to read. Maybe I make a book collage like this one day. Also thank you for including my Leonberger book in the list.

  2. Wow. Well done my friend for the book reviews📖💯💯, I can see that you are a prolific Writer, writing 200 book reviews is not a walk in the park. You are talented that is for sure🙌😀

    Keep up the good work!!

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