Reading A Book About Introverts Changed An Extrovert’s Life

Photo by Asad Photo Maldives:

You may already know many couples consist of an introvert and extrovert. This can happen with friends or even business partners.

I was listening to my favourite podcast “The Ambitious Introvert” and an episode where a guest talks about her introverted husband was very interesting.

She was saying that they met in university and at the time they’d go out a lot with their friends, but there would be times after they socialized where he didn’t feel like talking.

As an extrovert, she’d often blame herself, thinking his quiet moments were her fault.

She also grew up with several family members who were introverts and she always found it difficult to understand why some people didn’t feel like talking sometimes while she could talk anytime, anywhere.

Susan Cain’s book “Quiet” literally changed her life, helping her understand why some people need to recharge after social activity and it’s not rude to ask for space when in a relationship.

It was cool listening to an extrovert talk about how she grew to understand introverts better, as many extroverted traits are considered to be the default in society.

It’s an interesting podcast episode. I’ll drop the link below in case you’d like to listen to it! 👇

The Ambitious Introvert


  1. This post on understanding the dynamic between introverts and extroverts in relationships, highlighted by an enlightening episode of “The Ambitious Introvert,” is a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy and understanding.

  2. Thank you for the share and link to the podcast. Cain’s book, Quiet, was empowering for me, an introvert. A solid writer voice, aided by extensive research, encouraging the quiet ones to see the many gifts and strengths found in being “quiet.” I have yet to read her second book but would like to.

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